English 中文繁体
重庆铭贝科技有限公司(以下简称 “我们” 或 “GSCLOUD” )了解隐私权对用户的重要性,我们尊重并致力于保护您的隐私权,因此我们制定了本隐私政策,其中涵盖了您如何使用我们的网站、移动应用程序或服务时收集、使用披露。、保护、传输以及储存您的个人信息。本隐私权政策旨在帮助您了解我们会收集哪些数据、为什么收集这些数据、会利用这些数据做什么以及我们如何保护这些数据。了解这些内容,对于您行使个人权利及保护您的个人信息至关重要,请您在使用本产品(或服务)前务必抽出时间认真阅读本政策。 本政策将帮助您了解以下内容:
个人敏感信息:包括身份证号码、个人生物识别信息、银行账号、财产信息、行踪轨迹、交易信息、不满14周岁儿童的个人信息等。 个人信息删除:指在实现日常业务功能所涉及的系统中去除个人信息的行为,使其保持不可被检索、访问的状态。
  • (1)、设备信息。主要包括设备名称、设备型号、地区和语言设置、设备硬件信息与状态、地址、IP地址、操作系统版本以及用于访问服务的设备的设置信息。
  • (2)、应用信息。主要包括应用列表、软件识别码、以及应用设置(如地区/语言/时区/字体)信息。
  • (3)、日志信息。主要包括您使用网站或应用时,访问时间、访问iP地址、操作指令。
  • (4)、位置信息。与使用基于位置服务的相关信息,主要包括移动网络代码、设备位置、WiFi地理位置信息。
  • (5)、其他信息。这些信息与个人没有直接或间接关联,并且是聚类、匿名或脱敏的。主要指您使用服务的其他信息例如网站访问量、应用下载量等。所收集信息的类别和数量取决于您如何使用、加入或参与我们产品或服务。我们会收集汇总的统计信息,目的在于了解用户如何使用我们的产品与服务。借此,我们可以改善自己的服务,更好地满足用户需求。
  • 1.2您直接提供的信息:
  • (1)注册GSCLOUD账号时或让您创建账号或完善个人资料。我们可能会要求您提供以下一项或多项个人信息,以便完成账号设置。个人信息类型主要包括姓名、性别、手机号码、电子邮箱、用户名、昵称、头像照片。
  • 2、我们如何使用您的信息
  • 2.1、注册GSCLOUD账号,以便您能使用我们更多功能和服务。
  • 2.2、注册和激活您购买的我们的某些产品及服务。
  • 2.3、向您发送操作系统或应用程序更新和安装的通知.
  • 2.4、对您进行及时的消息传达。
  • 2.5、在使用我们的服务时,我们或第三方服务供应商可能会使用位置信息以便为您提供正确版本的服务,并且基于准确的位置提供更好的用户体验,例如位置接入。您可以随时在设置中关闭位置服务,或关闭某个应用使用位置服务。
  • 2.6、在您的设备丢失或被盗后,您可以使用设备GPS提供的位置信息在地图上定位您的设备。系统会通过您的移动设备获取位置信息;在某些情形下,会通过小区信号塔或WiFi热点获取此信息。您可以随时开启或关闭该功能。
  • 2.7、其他征得您同意的目的。当我们要将信息用于本政策未载明的其它用途时,会事先征求您的同意。当我们要将基于特定目的收集而来的信息用于其他目的时,会事先征求您的同意。在没有用户同意情况下,我们不会将用户个人信息和行为数据提供给第三方使用。
  • 二、我们会如何使用cookie和同类技术
    Cookie是一种网络服务器存储在计算机或移动设备上的纯文本文件。 Cookie的内容只能由创建它的服务器检索或读取。每个 Cookie对您的网络浏览器或移动应用程序都是唯一的。 Cookie通常包含标识符、站点名称以及一些号码和字符。我们可能使用 Cookie、标签和脚本等技术,这些技术用于分析趋势、管理网站、追踪用户的网站活动并收集关于整个用户群体的统计信息。我们会收到通过以上技术收集的个体或汇总的分析报告。我们不会将 Cookie用于本声明所述目的之外的任何用途。您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除 Cookie。您可以清除计算机上保存的所有 Cookie,大部分网络浏览器都设有阻止 Cookie的功能。如果您清除 Cookie,则需要在每一次访问我们的网站时亲自更改用户设置。同时也请注意,我们的某些服务可能必须使用 Cookie,禁用 Cookie可能会影响您使用这些服务的全部或部分功能。
  • (1)、获得您明确同意后。
  • (2)、基于法律的披露:在法律强制要求遵守传票或其他法律程序、诉讼或政府主管部门强制性要求的情况下若我们真诚地相信披露对保护我们的权利、保护您的安全或他人的安全、调查欺诈或响应政府要求是必要的,我们可能会披露您的个人信息。
  • 四、我们如何保护您的个人信息

    (一)我们已使用符合业界标准的安全防护措施保护您提供的用户信息,防止数据遭到未经授权的访问、公开披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。我们会采取一切合理可行的措施,保护您的用户信息。例如,在您的浏览器与“服务”之间交换数据时受 SSL 加密保护;我们同时对网站提供https安全浏览方式;我们会使用加密技术确保数据的保密性;我们会使用受信赖的保护机制防止数据遭到恶意攻击;我们会部署访问控制机制,确保只有授权人员才可访问用户信息;以及我们会举办安全和隐私保护培训课程,加强员工对于保护用户信息重要性的认识。





  • 1、访问您的个人信息:您有权访问您的个人信息,法律法规规定的例外情况除外。您可以登录GSCLOUD平台访问您注册账号时提供的个人信息。
  • 2、如果您希望访问或编辑您的账号中的个人基本资料信息、更改您的密码或关闭您的账号等,您可以通过“用户设置”执行此类操作。
  • 3、如果您无法通过上述路径访问该等个人信息,您可以随时通过邮件与我们取得联系。我们将在30天内回复您的访问请求。
  • 4、您可以通过网页登录您的GSCLOUD帐号,直接删除您的帐号信息,或者告知管理员删除您的账号,我们会及时响应您的删除请求。当您从我们的服务中删除信息后,我们可能不会立即在服务器中删除相应的信息,但会在服务器更新时删除这些信息。
  • 5、在任何情形下,您可以向我们提出删除个人信息的请求,但是您必须向我们提供证明,将要删除的账号属于您。
  • 6、您可以通过删除信息、关闭设备功能、在终端设备或应用中进行隐私设置等方式改变您授权我们继续收集个人信息的范围或撤回您的授权。请您理解,每个业务功能需要一些基本的个人信息才能得以完成,当您撤回同意或授权后,我们无法继续为您提供撤回同意或授权所对应的服务,也不再处理您相应的个人信息。但您撤回同意或授权的决定,不会影响此前基于您的授权而开展的个人信息处理。
  • 删除您的用户信息












    我们非常重视儿童个人信息的保护,我们的产品、网站和服务主要面向成人。如果没有父母或监护人的同意,儿童不应创建自己的用户账户。尽管当地法律和习俗对儿童的定义不同,但我们将不满 14 周岁的任何人均视为儿童。



    1.APP开发架构简介: 我们的产品基于 数字天堂(北京)网络技术有限公司 的 DCloud uni-app(5+ App/Wap2App)框架开发,应用运行期间需要收集您的设备唯一识别码(IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA、SIM 卡 IMSI 信息、OAID)以提供统计分析服务,并通过应用启动数据及异常错误日志分析改进性能和用户体验,为用户提供更好的服务。详情内容请访问 《DCloud用户服务条款》
    2.消息推送服务: 消息推送服务供应商:由每日互动股份有限公司提供推送技术服务,我们可能会将您的设备平台、设备厂商、设备品牌、设备识别码等设备信息,应用列表信息、网络信息以及位置相关信息提供给每日互动股份有限公司,用于为您提供消息推送技术服务。我们在向您推送消息时,我们可能会授权每日互动股份有限公司进行链路调节,相互促活被关闭的SDK推送进程,保障您可以及时接收到我们向您推送的消息。详细内容请访问 《个推用户隐私政策》











    可选信息:IMEI、MAC、Google Advertising ID(GAID)、Serial Number、IMSI、ICCID、IP地址、基站信息。用于生成唯一的推送目标ID(CID)和设备ID(GID),以此保证消息推送的准确下发和消息设备的准确识别。

    权限使用说明 / 权限解释

    2.网络信息(iOS端包含IP地址、WIFI信息、WiFi的SSID、BSSID、基站信息、运营商信息;HarmonyOS 端包含IP地址、WIFI信息、SSID、BSSID、运营商信息)以及位置相关信息:为了最大程度保持网络连接的稳定性,建立长链接,我们需要了解设备的网络状态和变化,从而实现稳定连续的推送服务。我们提供应景推送功能,位置相关信息将有助于我们为您提供线下场景的精细化推送,可以为您推荐更符合您需要的推送内容,减少无用推送消息对您的打扰。

    个推·消息推送 隐私政策连接:http://docs.getui.com/privacy

    3.华为 HMS push: 推送服务(Push Kit)是华为提供的消息推送平台,建立了从云端到终端的消息推送通道,使用华为手机的用户需要依赖此SDK才能及时收到我们的通知消息。

    SDK名称:华为 HMS push










    隐私政策连接: 华为推送隐私声明

    4.小米推送: 小米推送服务是小米提供的消息推送平台,建立了从云端到终端的消息推送通道,使用小米手机的用户需要依赖此SDK才能及时收到我们的通知消息。










    涉及的个人信息:设备标识OAID和加密的Android ID,以及使用推送服务的应用信息如应用包名、版本号和运行状态,设备相关信息如设备厂商、设备型号、设备内存、操作系统版本、小米推送SDK版本、设备归属地(国家或地区)、SIM卡运营商名称、当前网络类型、WiFi状态。其中当前网络类型、SIM卡运营商名称仅在设备本地读取,不会上传至小米服务器

    隐私政策连接: 小米推送隐私声明

    5.OPPO推送 OPush: OPush 推送服务是小米提供的消息推送平台,建立了从云端到终端的消息推送通道,使用OPPO手机的用户需要依赖此SDK才能及时收到我们的通知消息。











    隐私政策连接: OPPO推送隐私声明

















    3.修改/删除/读取 SD 卡中的内容

    目的:允许应用程序写入 SD 卡。








    3、设备识别码:包含IMEI、IDFA、Android ID、MAC、OAID、Advertising ID、Serial Number、IMSI、UAID、ICCID。














    -- END --
    重慶銘貝科技有限公司(以下簡稱“我們”或“GSCLOUD”)瞭解隱私權對用戶的重要性,我們尊重並致力於保護您的隱私權,囙此我們製定了本隱私政策,其中涵蓋了您如何使用我們的網站、移動應用程序或服務時收集、使用披露。、 保護、傳輸以及儲存您的個人資訊。 本隱私權政策旨在幫助您瞭解我們會收集哪些數據、為什麼收集這些數據、會利用這些數據做什麼以及我們如何保護這些數據。 瞭解這些內容,對於您行使個人權利及保護您的個人資訊至關重要,請您在使用本產品(或服務)前務必抽出時間認真閱讀本政策。 本政策將幫助您瞭解以下內容:
    個人敏感資訊:包括身份證號碼、個人生物識別資訊、銀行帳號、財產資訊、行踪軌跡、交易資訊、不滿14周歲兒童的個人資訊等。 個人資訊删除:指在實現日常業務功能所涉及的系統中去除個人資訊的行為,使其保持不可被檢索、訪問的狀態。
    其他資訊:是指在您使用本產品/服務時時,本產品可能自動接收並記錄您的網站或應用程序上的服務器數值。 包括但不限於您輸入的關鍵字、您要求取用的網頁記錄及各種記錄、本產品的產品或服務的操作狀態、網路環境、异常日誌等一些明確且客觀反映在本產品的產品或服務伺服器端的基本記錄資訊。 前述基本記錄資訊以及其他無法通過識別您的個人信身份資訊的資訊不屬於您的個人資訊
    您承諾在您開始使用本產品/服務時是成年人。 如您是不滿十四周歲的兒童,則需要您的監護人同意您使用本應用並同意相關應用服務條款。
    如您對本隱私政策有任何疑問,或者您對我們收集使用、披露、傳送或存儲您的個人資訊有任何疑問,請通過電子郵箱 yxy@mebay.cn 聯繫我們的數據保護官。 一般情况下,我們將在30天內回復。
  • (1)、設備資訊。 主要包括設備名稱、設備型號、地區和語言設定、設備硬體資訊與狀態、地址、IP地址、作業系統版本以及用於訪問服務的設備的設定資訊。
  • (2)、應用資訊。 主要包括應用清單、軟件識別碼、以及應用設定(如地區/語言/時區/字體)資訊。
  • (3)、日誌資訊。 主要包括您使用網站或應用時,訪問時間、訪問iP地址、操作指令。
  • (4)、位置資訊。 與使用基於位置服務的相關資訊,主要包括移動網絡程式碼、設備位置、WiFi地理位置資訊。
  • (5)、其他資訊。 這些資訊與個人沒有直接或間接關聯,並且是聚類、匿名或脫敏的。 主要指您使用服務的其他資訊例如網站訪問量、應用下載量等。 所收集資訊的類別和數量取決於您如何使用、加入或參與我們產品或服務。 我們會收集匯總的統計資訊,目的在於瞭解用戶如何使用我們的產品與服務。 借此,我們可以改善自己的服務,更好地滿足用戶需求。
  • 1.2您直接提供的資訊:
  • 注册GSCLOUD帳號時或讓您創建帳號或完善個人資料。 我們可能會要求您提供以下一項或多項個人資訊,以便完成帳號設定。 個人資訊類型主要包括姓名、性別、手機號碼、電子郵箱、用戶名、昵稱、頭像照片。
  • 2、我們如何使用您的資訊
  • 2.1、注册GSCLOUD帳號,以便您能使用我們更多功能和服務。
  • 2.2、注册和啟動您購買的我們的某些產品及服務。
  • 2.3、向您發送作業系統或應用程序更新和安裝的通知.
  • 2.4、對您進行及時的消息傳達。
  • 2.5、在使用我們的服務時,我們或協力廠商服務供應商可能會使用位置資訊以便為您提供正確版本的服務,並且基於準確的位置提供更好的用戶體驗,例如位置接入。 您可以隨時在設定中關閉位置服務,或關閉某個應用使用位置服務。
  • 2.6、在您的設備遺失或被盜後,您可以使用設備GPS提供的位置資訊在地圖上定位您的設備。 系統會通過您的移動設備獲取位置資訊; 在某些情形下,會通過社區訊號塔或WiFi熱點獲取此資訊。 您可以隨時開啟或關閉該功能。
  • 2.7、其他征得您同意的目的。 當我們要將資訊用於本政策未載明的其它用途時,會事先徵求您的同意。 當我們要將基於特定目的收集而來的資訊用於其他目的時,會事先徵求您的同意。 在沒有用戶同意情况下,我們不會將用戶個人資訊和行為數據提供給協力廠商使用。
  • 二、我們會如何使用cookie和同類科技
    Cookie是一種網絡服務器存儲在電腦或移動設備上的純文字檔案。 Cookie的內容只能由創建它的服務器檢索或讀取。 每個Cookie對您的網絡瀏覽器或移動應用程序都是唯一的。 Cookie通常包含識別字、網站名稱以及一些號碼和字元。 我們可能使用Cookie、標籤和腳本等科技,這些科技用於分析趨勢、管理網站、追跡用戶的網站活動並收集關於整個用戶群體的統計資訊。 我們會收到通過以上科技收集的個體或匯總的分析報告。 我們不會將Cookie用於本聲明所述目的之外的任何用途。 您可根據自己的偏好管理或删除Cookie。 您可以清除電腦上保存的所有Cookie,大部分網絡瀏覽器都設有封锁Cookie的功能。 如果您清除Cookie,則需要在每一次訪問我們的網站時親自更改用戶設置。 同時也請注意,我們的某些服務可能必須使用Cookie,禁用Cookie可能會影響您使用這些服務的全部或部分功能。
  • (1)、獲得您明確同意後。
  • (2)、基於法律的披露:在法律強制要求遵守傳票或其他法律程式、訴訟或政府首長部門強制性要求的情况下若我們真誠地相信披露對保護我們的權利、保護您的安全或他人的安全、調查欺詐或響應政府要求是必要的,我們可能會披露您的個人資訊。
  • 四、我們如何保護您的個人資訊

    (一)我們已使用符合業界標準的安全防護措施保護您提供的用戶資訊,防止數據遭到未經授權的訪問、公開披露、使用、修改、損壞或遺失。 我們會採取一切合理可行的措施,保護您的用戶資訊。 例如,在您的瀏覽器與“服務”之間交換數據時受SSL加密保護; 我們同時對網站提供https安全瀏覽管道; 我們會使用加密技術確保數據的保密性; 我們會使用受信賴的保護機制防止數據遭到惡意攻擊; 我們會部署存取控制機制,確保只有授權人員才可訪問用戶資訊; 以及我們會舉辦安全和隱私保護培訓課程,加强員工對於保護用戶資訊重要性的認識。

    (二)我們會採取一切合理可行的措施,確保未收集無關的用戶資訊。 我們只會在達成本政策所述目的所需的期限內保留您的用戶資訊,除非需要延長保留期或受到法律的允許。


    (四)互聯網環境並非百分之百安全,我們將盡力確保您發送給我們的任何資訊的安全性。 即使我們做出了很大努力,採取了一切合理且必要的措施,仍然有可能無法杜絕您的用戶資訊被非法訪問、被非法盜取,被非法篡改或毀壞,導致您的合法權益受損,請您理解資訊網路的上述風險並自願承擔。

    (五)在不幸發生用戶資訊安全事件後,我們將按照法律法規的要求,及時向您告知:安全事件的基本情况和可能的影響、我們已採取或將要採取的處置措施、您可自主防範和降低風險的建議、對您的補救措施等。 我們將及時將事件相關情况以郵件、信函、電話、推送通知等管道告知您,難以逐一告知用戶資訊主體時,我們會採取合理、有效的管道發佈公告。 同時,我們還將按照監管部門要求,主動上報用戶資訊安全事件的處置情况。

    為使您在使用我們的服務期間更加便捷地訪問、更正和删除您的個人資訊,同時保障您有權撤回對個人資訊的使用許可,我們在產品設計中為您提供了相應的操作設定,您可以參考下麵的指引進行操作。 如您對您的數據主體權利存在任何疑問、意見或建議,請通過本聲明文首的聯繫方式與我們取得聯系並行使您的相關權利:
  • 1、訪問您的個人資訊:您有權訪問您的個人資訊,法律法規規定的例外情况除外。 您可以登入GSCLOUD平臺訪問您註冊帳號時提供的個人資訊。
  • 2、如果您希望訪問或編輯您的帳號中的個人基本資料資訊、更改您的密碼或關閉您的帳號等,您可以通過“用戶設置”執行此類操作。
  • 3、如果您無法通過上述路徑訪問該等個人資訊,您可以隨時通過郵件與我們取得聯系。 我們將在30天內回復您的訪問請求。
  • 4、您可以通過網頁登入您的GSCLOUD帳號,直接删除您的帳號資訊,或者告知管理員删除您的帳號,我們會及時響應您的删除請求。 當您從我們的服務中删除資訊後,我們可能不會立即在服務器中删除相應的資訊,但會在服務器更新時删除這些資訊。
  • 5、在任何情形下,您可以向我們提出删除個人資訊的請求,但是您必須向我們提供證明,將要删除的帳號屬於您。
  • 6、您可以通過删除資訊、關閉設備功能、在終端設備或應用中進行隱私設定等管道改變您授權我們繼續收集個人資訊的範圍或撤回您的授權。 請您理解,每個業務功能需要一些基本的個人資訊才能得以完成,當您撤回同意或授權後,我們無法繼續為您提供撤回同意或授權所對應的服務,也不再處理您相應的個人資訊。 但您撤回同意或授權的决定,不會影響此前基於您的授權而開展的個人資訊處理。
  • 删除您的用戶資訊







    我們將會根據您的删除請求進行評估,若滿足相應規定,我們將會採取相應步驟進行處理。 當您向我們提出删除請求時,我們可能會要求您進行身份驗證,以保障帳戶的安全。 當您從我們的服務中删除資訊後,因為適用的法律和安全技術,我們可能不會立即從備份系統中删除相應的資訊,我們將安全存儲您的資訊直到備份可以清除或實現匿名化。



    在註銷帳戶之後,我們將停止為您提供產品或服務並依據您的要求,删除或匿名化您的資訊,法律法規另有規定的除外。 這也將可能導致您失去對您帳戶中數據的訪問權,請您謹慎操作。


    我們非常重視兒童個人資訊的保護,我們的產品、網站和服務主要面向成人。 如果沒有父母或監護人的同意,兒童不應創建自己的用戶帳戶。 儘管當地法律和習俗對兒童的定義不同,但我們將不滿14周歲的任何人均視為兒童。


    鑒於現有科技和業務模式的限制,我們很難主動識別兒童的個人資訊,如果您發現我們在不知情的情况下或在未事先獲得可證實的監護人同意的情况下收集了兒童的個人資訊,您可以及時聯系我們,我們將在發現後設法及時删除,如果我們自己發現前述情形的, 我們也會及時删除,法律要求我們保留的除外。

    為了給您提供更專業、安全的覈心業務功能和附加業務功能,我們的網站、應用軟體中會接入協力廠商挿件產品。 我們對此類協力廠商無控制權,無法對連結內容提供任何明示和暗示的保證,此類連結也不視為我們對連結內容的通知或授權; 我們亦無法控制協力廠商的隱私或數據保護政策,此類協力廠商也不受到本聲明的約束。
    1.APP開發架構簡介: 我們的產品基於DCloud uni-app(5+ App/Wap2App)開發,應用運行期間需要收集您的設備唯一識別碼(IMEI/android ID/DEVICE_ID/IDFA、SIM卡IMSI資訊、OAID)以提供統計分析服務,並通過應用啟動數據及异常錯誤日誌分析改進效能和用戶體驗,為用戶提供更好的服務。 詳情內容請訪問 《DCloud使用者服務條款》
    2.消息推送服務: 消息推送服務供應商:由每日互動股份有限公司提供推送技術服務,我們可能會將您的設備平臺、設備廠商、設備品牌、設備識別碼等設備資訊,應用清單資訊、網絡資訊以及位置相關資訊提供給每日互動股份有限公司,用於為您提供消息推送技術服務。 我們在向您推送消息時,我們可能會授權每日互動股份有限公司進行連結調節,相互促活被關閉的SDK推送行程,保障您可以及時接收到我們向您推送的消息。 詳細內容請訪問《個推用戶隱私政策》


    包名資訊:com. igexin、com.igexin.push、Gtc









    設備資訊、網絡資訊:必選資訊:設備平臺、設備廠商、設備品牌、設備型號及系統版本、OAID、AndroidID、WIFI連接資訊、運營商資訊、 DHCP、WiFi&SSID、BSSID
    可選資訊:IMEI、MAC、Google Advertising ID(GAID)、Serial Number、IMSI、ICCID、IP地址、基站資訊。 用於生成唯一的推送目標ID(CID)和設備ID(GID),以此保證消息推送的準確下發和消息設備的準確識別。


    消息推送是APP一個非常重要的功能,我們的設備消息通知、系統消息通知、設備報警消息通知都依賴於此功能。 此功能模組在使用/運行的時候會讀取您的部分設備資訊,但您可放心,我們也僅僅將獲取到的資訊用於推送功能,這些資訊也不會與您的身份資訊產生任何關聯。 以下是對涉及資訊的解釋說明。
    1.设备识别码(詳見十、定義:設備識別碼”)、設備平臺、設備廠商用於生成唯一的推送目標ID(CID)和設備ID(GID),以此保證消息推送的準確下發和消息設備的準確識別。 設備品牌、設備型號及系統版本用於優化通道資源的有效性,提升消息推送的到達率和穩定性。 此外,為確保CID的唯一性、提升消息推送穩定性和準確性,還需您授權(Sdcard)存儲許可權(WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)和設備許可權(READ_PHONE_STATE)。
    2.網絡資訊(iOS端包含IP地址、WIFI資訊、 SSID、BSSID、 基站資訊、運營商資訊; HarmonyOS端包含IP地址、WIFI資訊、 SSID、BSSID、 運營商資訊)以及位置相關資訊:為了最大程度保持網絡連接的穩定性,建立長連結,我們需要瞭解設備的網絡狀態和變化,從而實現穩定連續的推送服務。 我們提供應景推送功能,位置相關資訊將有助於我們為您提供線下場景的精細化推送,可以為您推薦更符合您需要的推送內容,减少無用推送消息對您的打擾。


    3.華為 HMS push: 推送服務(Push Kit)是華為提供的消息推送平臺,建立了從雲端到終端的消息推送通道,使用華為手機的用戶需要依賴此SDK才能及時收到我們的通知消息。

    SDK名稱:華為HMS push

    包名資訊:com. huawei. hms












    包名資訊:com. tencent. mm













    用途:在設定設備圖片時,需要用戶可選擇相册中的圖片上傳,這一功能依賴此許可權。 您可拒絕APP獲取此許可權,但拍照上傳功能囙此會受到影響。







    我們可能會不時更新我們的隱私政策。 我們將通過在此頁面上發佈新的隱私政策來通知您任何更改。
    建議您定期查看本隱私政策以瞭解任何變更。 本隱私政策的更改在此頁面上發佈時生效。
    -- END --
    Version effective date:2022-02-24
    Chongqing Mingbei Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "gscloud") understands the importance of privacy to users. We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. Therefore, we have formulated this privacy policy, which covers how you collect, use and disclose when using our website, mobile applications or services Protect, transmit and store your personal information. This privacy policy is designed to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, what we do with it, and how we protect it. Understanding these contents is very important for you to exercise your personal rights and protect your personal information. Please take time to carefully read this policy before using this product (or service). This policy will help you understand the following:
    Personal information: refers to all kinds of information recorded electronically or in other ways that can identify the identity of a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person alone or in combination with other information.
    Personal sensitive information: including ID number, personal biometric information, bank account, property information, track of whereabouts, transaction information, personal information of children under 14 years of age. Personal information deletion: refers to the act of removing personal information from the system involved in the realization of daily business functions, so that it can not be retrieved and accessed.
    Other information: when you use this product / service, this product may automatically receive and record the server value on your website or application. Including but not limited to the keywords you enter, the web page records and various records you require to access, the operation status of the products or services of the product, the network environment, exception logs and other basic record information clearly and objectively reflected on the server side of the products or services of the product. The aforementioned basic record information and other information that cannot identify your personal identity through your personal letter do not belong to your personal information
    You promise to be an adult when you start using this product / service. If you are a child under the age of 14, you need your guardian's permission to use this app and agree to the relevant terms of service.
    If you have any questions about this privacy policy, or if you have any questions about our collection, use, disclosure, transmission or storage of your personal information, please email us yxy@mebay.cn Contact our data protection officer. Normally, we will reply within 30 days
    If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially when our personal information processing behavior has damaged your legitimate rights and interests, you can also solve it through external channels such as filing a lawsuit to the people's court with jurisdiction, complaining to the industry self-discipline association or relevant government management institutions.
    Ⅰ、How do we collect and use your personal information
    1、What data and information may we collect
    1.1The information we collect when you use the product or service
  • (1)、Device information. It mainly includes device name, device model, region and language settings, device hardware information and status, address, IP address, operating system version and setting information of devices used to access services.
  • (2)、Application information. It mainly includes application list, software identification code and application settings (such as region / language / time zone / font).
  • (3)、Log information. It mainly includes the access time, IP address and operation instructions when you use the website or application.
  • (4)、Location information. Information related to the use of location-based services mainly includes mobile network code, device location and WiFi geographic location information.
  • (5)、Other information. This information is not directly or indirectly related to individuals, and is clustered, anonymous or desensitized. It mainly refers to other information about the service you use, such as website visits, application downloads, etc. The type and amount of information collected depends on how you use, join or participate in our products or services. We will collect and summarize statistical information in order to understand how users use our products and services. In this way, we can improve our services and better meet the needs of users.
  • 1.2Information you provide directly:
  • Register your gscloud account or let you create an account or improve your profile. We may ask you to provide one or more of the following personal information in order to complete the account setting. Personal information types mainly include name, gender, mobile phone number, e-mail, user name, nickname and avatar photo.
  • 2、How do we use your information
    We may use your personal information for the following purposes:
  • 2.1、Register your GSCLOUD account so that you can use more of our functions and services.
  • 2.2、Register and activate some of our products and services you purchased
  • 2.3、Send you notifications of operating system or application updates and installations.
  • 2.4、Timely message to you.
  • 2.5、When using our services, we or third-party service providers may use location information to provide you with the correct version of the service and provide a better user experience based on the accurate location, such as location access. You can turn off location service in settings at any time, or turn off an application to use location service.
  • 2.6、After your device is lost or stolen, you can use the location information provided by the device GPS to locate your device on the map. The system will obtain location information through your mobile device; In some cases, this information will be obtained through the cell tower or WiFi hotspot. You can turn this function on or off at any time.
  • 2.7、Other purposes with your consent. When we want to use the information for other purposes not specified in this policy, we will seek your consent in advance. When we want to use the information collected for a specific purpose for other purposes, we will ask for your consent in advance. Without the user's consent, we will not provide the user's personal information and behavior data to a third party for use.
  • Ⅱ、How do we use cookies and similar technologies
    A cookie is a plain text file stored on a computer or mobile device by a network server. The contents of a cookie can only be retrieved or read by the server that created it. Each cookie is unique to your web browser or mobile application. Cookies usually contain identifiers, site names, and numbers and characters. We may use technologies such as cookies, tags and scripts to analyze trends, manage websites, track users' website activities and collect statistics about the entire user community. We will receive individual or summary analysis reports collected through the above technologies. We will not use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this statement. You can manage or delete cookies according to your preferences. You can clear all cookies saved on your computer. Most web browsers have the function of blocking cookies. If you clear cookies, you need to change the user settings each time you visit our website. Please also note that some of our services may have to use cookies, and disabling cookies may affect all or part of your use of these services.
    Ⅲ、How do we disclose your personal information
    1、We will only share your personal information for legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes, and only share the personal information necessary to provide services.
    2、We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:
  • (1)、With your express consent.
  • (2)、Law based disclosure: where compliance with subpoenas or other legal proceedings, litigation or mandatory requirements of government authorities is mandatory by law, we may disclose your personal information if we sincerely believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud or respond to government requirements.
  • Ⅳ、How do we protect your personal information

    (1) We have used industry standard security measures to protect the user information provided by you from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your user information. For example, it is protected by SSL encryption when exchanging data between your browser and the "service"; We also provide HTTPS safe browsing for the website; We will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data; We will use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on data; We will deploy access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized personnel can access user information; And we will hold security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting users' information.

    (2) We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that irrelevant user information is not collected. We will only retain your user information for the period required to achieve the purpose stated in the cost policy, unless the retention period needs to be extended or permitted by law.

    (3) The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and e-mail, instant messaging and communication with other users are not encrypted. We strongly recommend that you do not send user information in this way.

    (4) The Internet environment is not 100% secure. We will try our best to ensure the security of any information you send us. Even if we have made great efforts and taken all reasonable and necessary measures, it may still be impossible to prevent your user information from being illegally accessed, illegally stolen, illegally tampered with or destroyed, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests. Please understand the above risks of the information network and voluntarily bear them.

    (5) After an unfortunate user information security incident occurs, we will timely inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions you can independently prevent and reduce risks, and the remedial measures for you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations. We will promptly inform you of the relevant information of the event by mail, letter, telephone, push notification, etc. when it is difficult to inform the user information subject one by one, we will take a reasonable and effective way to publish the announcement. At the same time, we will also actively report the disposal of user information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

    Ⅴ、Your data subject rights
    In order to make it easier for you to access, correct and delete your personal information while using our services, and ensure that you have the right to withdraw your license to use your personal information, we have provided you with corresponding operation settings in the product design. You can refer to the following instructions for operation. If you have any questions, opinions or suggestions about your data subject rights, please contact us through the contact information at the beginning of this statement and exercise your relevant rights:
  • 1、Access to your personal information: you have the right to access your personal information, except for exceptions provided by laws and regulations. You can log in to gscloud platform to access the personal information provided when you register your account.
  • 2、If you want to access or edit the personal profile information in your account, change your password or close your account, you can do so through "user settings".
  • 3、If you cannot access such personal information through the above path, you can contact us by email at any time. We will reply to your visit request within 30 days.
  • 4、You can log in to your gscloud account through the web page, directly delete your account information, or tell the administrator to delete your account, and we will respond to your deletion request in time. When you delete information from our service, we may not delete the corresponding information in the server immediately, but we will delete it when the server is updated.
  • 5、In any case, you can request us to delete your personal information, but you must provide us with proof that the account to be deleted belongs to you.
  • 6、You can change the scope of your authorization for us to continue collecting personal information or withdraw your authorization by deleting information, turning off device functions, setting privacy in terminal devices or applications, etc. Please understand that each business function needs some basic personal information to be completed. When you withdraw your consent or authorization, we can't continue to provide you with the services corresponding to the withdrawal of consent or authorization, nor will we process your corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the previous personal information processing based on your authorization.
  • Delete your user information

    In the following cases, you can request us to delete user information:

    1、If we deal with user information in violation of laws and regulations;

    2、If we collect and use your user information without your consent;

    3、If our handling of user information violates the agreement with you;

    4、If you no longer use our products or services, or you cancel your account;

    5、If we no longer provide you with products or services.

    We will evaluate your deletion request. If the corresponding regulations are met, we will take corresponding steps to deal with it. When you make a deletion request to us, we may require you to authenticate to ensure the security of your account. After you delete the information from our service, we may not delete the corresponding information from the backup system immediately because of applicable laws and security technology. We will store your information safely until the backup can be cleared or anonymous.

    User information subject cancels account

    You can cancel your previously registered account at any time. You can do it yourself by contacting your administrator. After confirming with him, your administrator can cancel your account for you, and your user information will be deleted.

    After canceling the account, we will stop providing you with products or services and delete or anonymize your information according to your requirements, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. This may also cause you to lose access to the data in your account. Please be careful.

    Ⅵ、Child personal information protection

    We attach great importance to the protection of children's personal information. Our products, websites and services are mainly for adults. Children should not create their own user accounts without the consent of their parents or guardians. Although local laws and customs define children differently, we regard anyone under the age of 14 as a child.

    For the collection of child user information with the consent of parents or guardians, we will only store, use or publicly disclose this information when permitted by law, expressly agreed by parents or guardians or necessary to protect children, otherwise we will try to delete relevant data as soon as possible.

    In view of the limitations of the existing technology and business model, it is difficult for us to actively identify the children's personal information. If you find that we have collected the children's personal information without our knowledge or without the prior consent of a verifiable guardian, you can contact us in time, and we will try to delete it in time after we find it. If we find the above situation ourselves, We will also delete it in time, except for what the law requires us to keep.

    Ⅶ、Third party links and their products and services
    In order to provide you with more professional and secure core business functions and additional business functions, third-party plug-in products will be connected to our website and application software. We have no control over such third parties and cannot provide any express and implied guarantee for the linked content, and such links are not regarded as our notice or authorization of the linked content; We also cannot control the privacy or data protection policies of third parties, and such third parties are not bound by this statement.
    You need to independently judge your interaction with such links. Before submitting personal information to third parties, please read and refer to the privacy policies of these third parties. We will not be responsible for this.
    The third-party plug-in (SDK) is disclosed as follows:
    1.Introduction to app development architecture: Our products are developed based on dccloud uni app (5 + app / wap2app). During application operation, we need to collect your device unique identification code (IMEI / Android ID / device_id / IDFA, SIM card IMSI information, oaid) to provide statistical analysis services, and improve performance and user experience through application startup data and abnormal error log analysis, so as to provide better services for users. For details, please visit 《Dccloud user service terms》
    2.Message push service: Message push service provider: daily interactive Co., Ltd. provides push technical services. We may provide your equipment platform, equipment manufacturer, equipment brand, equipment identification code and other equipment information, application list information, network information and location related information to daily interactive Co., Ltd. to provide you with message push technical services. When we push messages to you, we may authorize daily interactive Co., Ltd. to adjust the link and promote the closed SDK push process to ensure that you can receive the messages we push to you in time. For details, please visit 《GeTui privacy policy》

    SDK Name: GeTui · message push

    Package name information:com.igexin

    Purpose of use:App message push, status bar message notification

    Permissions used:






    Information involved

    Device Information, Network Information: Required Information: Device Platform, Device Manufacturer, Device Brand, Device Model and System Version, OAID, AndroidID, WIFI Connection Information, Operator Information DHCP、SSID、BSSID
    Optional information: IMEI, MAC, Google Advertising ID (GAID), Serial Number, IMSI, ICCID, IP address, base station information. Used to generate unique push target IDs (CIDs) and device IDs (GIDs) to ensure accurate message delivery and accurate identification of message devices.

    Permission Usage Instructions/Permission Explanation

    Message push is a very important feature of an APP, and our device message notifications, system message notifications, and device alarm message notifications all rely on this function. This feature module will read some of your device information during use/operation, but you can rest assured that we will only use the obtained information for push functions, and this information will not be associated with your identity information in any way. The following is an explanation of the information involved.
    1.Equipment identification code(See Section 10, Definition: Device Identification Code), device platform, and device manufacturer are used to generate unique push target IDs (CID) and device IDs (GID) to ensure accurate message delivery and accurate identification of message devices. The equipment brand, model, and system version are used to optimize the effectiveness of channel resources, improve the arrival rate and stability of message push. In addition, to ensure the uniqueness of the CID and improve the stability and accuracy of message push, you also need to authorize (Sdcard) storage permissions (WRITE.exe TERNAL_STAGE) and device permissions (READ_CHONE-STATE).
    2.Network informationThe iOS version includes IP address, WIFI information SSID、BSSID、 Base station information, operator information; HarmonyOS includes IP address, WIFI information SSID、BSSID、 Operator information and location related information: In order to maintain the stability of network connections and establish long links to the greatest extent possible, we need to understand the network status and changes of devices in order to achieve stable and continuous push services. We provide on-demand push functionality, and location related information will help us provide you with refined push notifications for offline scenarios. We can recommend push content that better meets your needs and reduce unnecessary push messages that disturb you.

    Privacy policy connection:http://docs.getui.com/privacy

    3.Huawei HMS push: Push kit is a message push platform provided by Huawei. It establishes a message push channel from cloud to terminal. Users using Huawei mobile phones need to rely on this SDK to receive our notification messages in time.

    SDK Name: Huawei HMS push

    Package name information:com.huawei.hms

    Purpose of use:App message push, status bar message notification

    Permissions used:






    Personal information involved: device information (IMEI, android_id, device_id, IMSI), application installed list and network information

    Privacy policy connection:Huawei pushes privacy statement

    3.Wechat open platform

    SDK Name: wechat open platform

    Package name information:com.tencent.mm

    Purpose of use: wechat login

    Permissions used:



    Personal information involved: stored personal files and network information

    Privacy policy connection:Wechat privacy protection guidelines

    GSCLOUD needs to apply for application permission and purpose

    1.Permission to take photos and videos

    Purpose: allow the app to take photos or record videos

    Purpose: when setting device pictures, users need to use the camera function to take pictures and upload them

    2.Access album

    Purpose: select the picture upload in the mobile phone

    Purpose: when setting device pictures, users need to choose the pictures in the album to upload. This function depends on this permission. You can refuse the app to obtain this permission, but the photo upload function will be affected

    3.Modify / delete / read contents in SD card

    Purpose: to allow applications to write to SD cards

    Purpose: app will use SD card to store configuration information and resource cache, and the data downloaded or exported in app will also be stored in SD card

    4.View network status permission

    Purpose: to allow applications to view the status of all networks

    Purpose: to detect whether users can normally use the network, WiFi status or data traffic, and remind users when using app

    If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us:
    By mail:yxy@mebay.cn
    Office address: 6-2, building 4, No. 2, gang'an Second Road, Jiangbei District, Chongqing
    Ⅸ、Changes to this Privacy Policy
    We may update our privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting a new privacy policy on this page.
    It is recommended that you review this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes. Changes to this privacy policy take effect when posted on this page.
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